Saturday, 28 September, EDUHUB, ULBS
9:00 – 14:00
Capture the Flag Competition
Step into the world of cybersecurity with this Capture the Flag (CTF) Competition, a dynamic challenge designed to test your skills across key areas like web exploitation, cryptography, programming, binary exploitation, and reverse engineering. In this team-based event, participants will race against the clock to solve as many challenges as possible. The team with the highest score will emerge victorious.
Who is it for? If you are a high school student, university student, or a junior professional in a companies then this competition is for you! A beginner level in cybersecurity is enough to get you started (some technical experience is desirable).
This competition is designed for you to showcase your abilities and learn new techniques, in a fun and interactive way. We have great mentors supporting you throughout the whole competition and a few surprise prizes!
When? September 28, 2024
Where? EduHub, Bd. Victoriei 31, Sibiu
Competition Day Schedule:
08:00 – Arrival of participants & setup
09:00 – Introductory Speech & Competition Rules
09:15 – Start of CTF Competition
13:00 – End of CTF Competition
13:00 – 14:00 – Debriefing, Q&A, and Awards Ceremony
There can be up to 3 people in a team. To participate please fill in the registration form with all the necessary information. Thank you and see you at the competition!
Capture the Flag Competition is brought to you by Sibiu IT Cluster as part of Sibiu Cybersecurity Dialogues, organised by Swiss Webacademy and NTT DATA ROMANIA.